    From £16.99
    • Myrkl Hangover Pill (pre-drinking supplement)
    • Breaks down alcohol in the gut
    • Take 2 capsules at least 2 hours before drinking
    Vitamins & Supplements
    09/09/23 · 20 min read

    How to get the most benefit from using Myrkl

    Whenever you take a supplement, you want it to work properly, no matter its purpose. Some supplements are taken to simply promote good health, whereas others are used for a specific purpose. Myrkl is one such supplement. Myrkl is taken to help people avoid a hangover after a night out with friends. Feeling fresh after a big night of drinking alcohol can be very difficult, as people know all too well. Those that take Myrkl are actively trying to feel better and will be very interested to know if there is anything they can do to help Myrkl work better. In this article, we will provide you with some information you can use to help your supplement work better and make you feel even fresher. 

    What can I do to maximise the effectiveness of Myrkl?

    The best way to maximise the effectiveness of Myrkl is to take it as it is supposed to be taken. The recommended way to take Myrkl is to take two capsules 2012 hours prior to drinking. This gives the active ingredients and the formula in the supplement a chance to get to work. The design of the capsule means that the supplement does not release in the stomach as the outer shell is acid resistant. Instead, the supplement is released in the intestine where it will work to break down alcohol. Of course, to make Myrkl work better, you can simply drink less on your night out, or, you could use other methods of reducing the effects of overindulgence.

    Will taking Myrkl at a certain time help it to work more effectively?

    As mentioned, the recommended way to take Myrkl is two capsules 2-12 hours before drinking. Taking the supplement at these times will give you the best chance of feeling hangover free.

    Will only taking Myrkl after a big night out still work effectively?

    It is important to note that you should take Myrkl BEFORE you begin drinking. If you take Myrkl after you have been out then you will not experience the benefits you are looking for. Myrkl works by breaking up alcohol in the body that can leave you feeling tired, achy, weak, and sick after a night out. When you take Myrkl AFTER a night out, the active ingredients will not make you feel better as they cannot work properly. 

    Will taking fewer pills than suggested affect how effective Myrkl is?

    You should take Myrkl as has been outlined by the recommended method. Taking one tablet before drinking alcohol will not provide you with the effects that you need. As mentioned some people have used Myrkl daily, however, this will only provide them with the desired effects as they have taken it before a big night. 

    Does drinking enough water help improve the effectiveness of Myrkl?

    This is perhaps the most effective way to feel fresher after a night out, even if you have not used Myrkl. Drinking plenty of water can negate the effects of alcohol. Drinking water can help to replenish electrolytes lost during a night of drinking, which can help you to feel fresher the morning after. When taken alongside Myrkl, water can help you to avoid a hangover after a heavy session. The best way to drink water to rehydrate is to sip it. This will wash down alkaline acid in the saliva, in turn neutralising and calming stomach acid.

    Does eating properly before a night out help the effectiveness of Myrkl?

    Prior to a night out you should try and eat a full meal so that you are not heading out for a big night with an empty stomach. Food will help to absorb alcohol, giving the body more time to metabolise it. Eating salty, fatty foods can also help to alleviate a hangover. Salt will help to replenish electrolytes, much like water. Meat can also help to make you feel better as it contains vitamin B6 which can help with headaches, nausea, and tiredness. Myrkl is a food supplement. It is important to point out that food supplements should not be taken as a substitute for actual food. When using Myrkl, you may find that the results are better when you eat a meal after your night out, or in the morning. 

    Does avoiding caffeinated drinks help the effectiveness of Myrkl?

    You can take Myrkl with a caffeinated drink, this will not affect the benefits you can feel from it. Caffeine however is not the best drink to have after a big night of drinking. Caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it can actually make you even more dehydrated. This can make you feel more hungover, for longer. The best thing you can drink is water. It should be stressed that caffeine will not change the way Myrkl works, however, if your hangover is worsened by caffeine then you may not experience its full benefits. 

    Does everyone need health supplements like Myrkl?

    Myrkl is, of course, an optional supplement. However, we believe the benefits make it an essential part of any night out. Supplements can make a big difference between feeling hungover and feeling fresh, and around 75% of people who use Myrkl will experience the benefits it can provide. 


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