    From £16.99
    • Myrkl Hangover Pill (pre-drinking supplement)
    • Breaks down alcohol in the gut
    • Take 2 capsules at least 2 hours before drinking
    Vitamins & Supplements
    09/09/23 · 20 min read

    An A-Z Guide to Myrkl

    Looking for a solution to those annoying hangovers? Meet Myrkl, the talked-about product making waves in the world of post-drink recovery. In this article, we'll dive into Myrkl's story using an A-Z format, giving you a clear and concise overview of what it's all about.

    Woman taking a sip of water after using a Myrkl hangover pill

    A - Alcohol

    Alcohol, scientifically known as ethanol or ethyl alcohol, is a psychoactive substance found in alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits. It's produced through the fermentation of sugars by yeasts. When consumed, alcohol affects the central nervous system and impairs cognitive functions, motor skills, and judgment. Myrkl is designed to counteract some of these symptoms, ensuring that those who consume alcohol can recover more comfortably the following day.

    B - Binge Drinking

    Binge drinking, as defined by the NHS and many other health organisations, refers to the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short span of time, typically with the intention of becoming intoxicated. For men, binge drinking is consuming 8 or more units of alcohol in a single session, and for women, it's 6 or more units. It’s important to note that using Myrkl as a safety net to enable or excuse binge drinking would be a misuse of the product.

    C - Cause of Hangovers

    A hangover is a collection of signs and symptoms that can develop after drinking too much alcohol. The exact causes of a hangover are still not completely understood, but several factors contribute, including:

    • Dehydration

    • Dips in blood sugar

    • Dilation of blood vessels that can cause headaches

    • Low sleep quality

    • Inflammatory responses in the immune system

    D - de Faire Medical

    De Faire Medical is a company based in Stockholm, Sweden, and has been involved in research and development related to Myrkl for over 30 years.

    E - Effectiveness

    Myrkl has gained popularity due to the positive outcomes many users have experienced. Several reputable outlets, including The Telegraph, The Daily Mail, and The Times, have given positive reviews to Myrkl, further substantiating its efficacy. However, as with all supplements and products, individual results may vary. It should be noted that no supplement should be viewed as a justification for excessive alcohol consumption or as a complete remedy for all the negative health effects of alcohol.

    F - Formulation

    Myrkl's formulation is centred around its unique AB001 formula, which is a product of over 30 years of research and development. The formula is the first in human history that showed results when breaking down alcohol effectively before it reaches the liver.  AB001 breaks down up to 70% of alcohol within 60 minutes after consumption (and 50% after 30 minutes). 

    G - Getting Drunk

    Getting drunk, often referred to as intoxication, results from consuming alcohol (ethanol) in quantities that exceed the body's ability to metabolise and eliminate it efficiently. As blood alcohol concentration rises, it affects the central nervous system, leading to progressive impairments in judgement, coordination, reaction times, and behaviour. While moderate alcohol consumption might have some social or even potential health benefits for certain people, excessive and frequent drinking poses severe health risks. It's crucial to drink responsibly and understand your limits.

    H - Hangovers

    A hangover refers to the collection of unpleasant physical and mental symptoms that occur after consuming alcohol, especially in excessive amounts. The intensity and duration of a hangover can vary based on several factors, including the amount of alcohol consumed, individual tolerance, and general health. To avoid or reduce the severity of hangovers, it's essential to drink in moderation, stay hydrated, eat before drinking, use Myrkl, and get plenty of rest.

    I - Ingredients

    Myrkl contains a number of different ingredients that work together to provide the results that you need. The ingredients in Myrkl are as follows:

    • Fermented rice bran

    • Vegan Capsule (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose)

    • L-Cysteine

    • Microcrystalline cellulose

    • Emulsifiers (Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide)

    • Dextrin 

    • Vitamin B12

    • Bacillus subtilis

    • Bacillus coagulans

    J - Judging Alcohol Consumption

    Judging your alcohol consumption whilst drinking is crucial for ensuring you stay within safe limits and avoid negative consequences. Here are some things you can do on a night out to keep track of your drinking:

    • Make a mental or physical note of each drink you consume.

    • Set a limit for how many drinks you'll have per hour. Drinking slowly and setting a pace can help your body metabolise alcohol without overwhelming it.

    • Drink water alongside or between alcoholic beverages. This helps counteract the dehydrating effects of alcohol and can also help you drink alcohol more slowly.

    • Having food in your stomach can slow the absorption of alcohol, preventing rapid intoxication.

    • Your body will give you signals if you've had too much to drink. Slurred speech, unsteady movement, or feeling overly relaxed can all be signs that you should stop drinking.

    • Before you start drinking, decide how many drinks you will have and stick to it.

    K - Knowing Your Limits

    Knowing your limits when drinking alcohol is crucial for maintaining well-being and making responsible choices. Everyone's tolerance to alcohol varies, and what might be moderate for one person could be excessive for another. As you consume alcohol, be aware of the onset of slurred speech, difficulty concentrating, unsteady movement, or mood swings. You can also think about times you felt you had too much to drink and try to stay well below that level. These can be indicators that you're approaching or have surpassed your limit. Regularly exceeding your alcohol limits can have both short-term and long-term consequences on your health and well-being.

    L - L-Cysteine

    L-cysteine is one of the ingredients in Myrkl and is a semi-essential amino acid. Given its properties, especially its role in detoxification and antioxidant capabilities, L-cysteine is included in Myrkl to aid in the breakdown of alcohol's by-products in the body, helping to reduce the severity or duration of hangover symptoms.

    M - Miracles

    Myrkl may not be spelt the same, but it is pronounced the same. Often, the results that Myrkl provides for people who use it are described as miraculous. 

    N - Nutrients

    Nutrients can be beneficial for hangovers because they help address some of the physiological changes and challenges the body experiences after excessive alcohol consumption. Nutrients can support the body's natural processes to restore balance, eliminate toxins, and repair damage after excessive alcohol consumption. 

    O - Online Purchasing

    Yes, you can purchase Myrkl online from UK Meds. We even offer options for different quantities, making it convenient for those looking to try it out or stock up.

    P - Pronunciation

    You pronounce Myrkl the same as ‘miracle’. When it is pronounced phonetically, it is /ˈmɪrəkəl/. When the sounds are broken down it is as follows:

    • /ˈmɪr-/ - As in ‘mir’ pronounced in mirror

    • /-ə-/  - Pronounced ‘uh’

    • /-kəl/ - As in ‘kul’ pronounced in skull

    Q - Quick Results

    As previously mentioned AB001, the formula in Myrkl, breaks down up to 70% of alcohol within 60 minutes after consumption, and 50% after 30 minutes. When you wake up the morning after a night of drinking, you should experience the full effects of Myrkl, which means you should be hangover-free.

    R - Reviews

    Myrkl has received public and critical acclaim, including reviews from reputable press outlets. Here are some quotes from these outlets about Myrkl:

    S - Symptoms of Hangovers

    A hangover refers to the collection of unpleasant physical and mental symptoms that can occur after consuming an excessive amount of alcohol. The symptoms and their severity can vary among individuals but commonly include:

    • Headaches

    • Fatigue and Weakness

    • Dizziness

    • Nausea and vomiting

    • Sensitivity to lights and sounds

    • Shakiness

    • Decreased appetite

    T - Treating Hangovers

    Treating hangovers involves addressing the symptoms and assisting the body in its recovery process. Here are some general methods to treat hangovers, along with the role of Myrkl:

    • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Electrolyte solutions or sports drinks can also help restore the balance of salts and sugars in your body.

    • Having a nutritious meal can help boost your blood sugar and provide essential nutrients. 

    • Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, can help with headaches and muscle aches.

    • Taking a nap or getting some extra rest can help your body recover.

    • Myrkl contains ingredients like L-cysteine and Vitamin B12, which support liver function and help mitigate the effects of excessive alcohol consumption.

    U - Using Other Hangover Cures

    Myrkl is not a hangover ‘cure’ but is in fact used to prevent a hangover. There may be other remedies and products that claim to cure hangovers, however, as with other conditions, prevention is always better than cure.

    V - Vitamin B12

    Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an essential water-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in various functions in the body. It is also one of the ingredients in Myrkl.  It can help to support energy production and aid in the metabolic processes that help the body recover after alcohol consumption.

    W - Where can you buy Myrkl?

    You can purchase Myrkl online from UK Meds. We offer Myrkl in different quantities, making it suitable for people who want to give Myrkl a go for the first time, or those who have used (and loved) it in the past.

    X - (e)Xpectations

    Someone using Myrkl can expect the product to help mitigate the effects of a hangover after alcohol consumption, based on its formulation. Myrkl has been designed to alleviate common hangover symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.

    Y - Years of Development

    Myrkl (and the formula inside of it AB001) underwent over 30 years of research and development. It was researched, developed, and manufactured by de Faire Medical, a company based in Stockholm, Sweden. Their aim has been to create natural, scientifically proven yet affordable products that are effective.

    Z - Zero Hangovers

    In theory, if you use Myrkl correctly (by taking two pills with water at least 2 hours before you begin drinking alcohol), you should not experience a bad hangover again. It is worth noting, however, that results may vary, so there is no guarantee of not experiencing hangover symptoms.


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