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    • Convenient and easy to take
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    • Effervescent formula for quick absorption
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    • Myrkl Hangover Pill (pre-drinking supplement)
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    Vitamins & Supplements
    09/09/23 · 20 min read

    A Guide To The Best Hangover Food, Drinks & Supplements

    After a night of drinking, there’s nothing worse than waking up the next morning with a hangover. In this comprehensive guide, we will take a look at some foods, drinks and supplements that you may wish to consider the next time you plan on indulging in alcohol. We will also look at the potential causes of hangovers, the symptoms of a hangover, and how long you can expect a hangover to last. By learning more, you’re setting yourself up to help avoid or treat your next hangover. 

    Man suffering from a hangover induced headache

    When would you typically get a hangover?

    A hangover typically occurs after you have consumed a large amount of alcohol, and its symptoms usually become evident the morning after such consumption. It's worth noting that not everyone will experience a hangover, and its severity can vary from one occasion to another or from one individual to another. Consuming alcohol on an empty stomach, lack of sleep, and drinking certain types of alcohol can also influence the onset and severity of a hangover.

    What are the causes of a hangover?

    Despite the fact that hangovers are a very common occurrence for a large number of people, there is hardly any information known about what actually causes them. One thing that is known to cause hangovers however is alcohol consumption. Researchers have produced evidence that alcohol can directly promote hangover symptoms through its effects on urine production, the gastrointestinal tract, blood sugar concentrations, sleep patterns, and biological rhythms (Swift et al, 1998).

    What are the typical symptoms of an alcohol hangover?

    According to (Verster et al, 2020) “symptoms (of a hangover) vary between drinkers and between drinking occasions, even when the same amounts of alcohol are consumed”. Despite this, there are a number of symptoms that are experienced by many people who are suffering from hangovers. These can be defined as physical and mental symptoms, and include:

    Physical symptoms include:

    • Headaches

    • Fatigue and weakness

    • Nausea, vomiting or stomach pain

    • Thirst or dry mouth

    • Muscle aches

    • Increased sensitivity to lights and sounds

    • Dizziness or vertigo

    • Feeling shaky

    • Decreased appetite

    • Rapid Heartbeat

    Mental symptoms include:

    • Depression, anxiety or irritability

    • Difficulty concentrating

    • Gaps in memory

    How long will a hangover last?

    Hangovers can feel like they can go on forever. When you have a hangover it can sometimes seem as if you are never going to feel yourself again. In reality, the duration of hangovers will vary depending on a number of factors. Studies have shown that on average hangovers will last between 18.4 hours (van Schrojenstein Lantman et al, 2017) and 24 hours (Verster et al, 2010).

    Can certain foods help to cure a hangover?

    While no food can "cure" a hangover, certain foods can help alleviate hangover symptoms and accelerate the recovery process. Consuming specific foods can assist in restoring lost nutrients, stabilising blood sugar levels, and reducing the toxic effects of alcohol. In fact, consuming cheese, cucumber, and tomatoes may further alleviate the hangover symptoms (Srinivasan et al, 2019).

    Can fresh fruit cure a hangover?

    Fresh fruit, while beneficial for a number of reasons, cannot "cure" a hangover on its own. However, consuming fresh fruit during a hangover can help alleviate some symptoms and support recovery by aiding hydration, providing vitamins, minerals and natural sugars as well as fibre and antioxidants. 

    Can toast cure a hangover?

    Yes, toast can help to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. It helps to stabilise blood sugar levels and can also help to absorb stomach acid which will help to combat feelings of nausea. It also provides the calories you need to replenish during a hangover. Also, as plain toast is relatively bland, it is unlikely to irritate a sensitive stomach.

    Can wholegrain bread cure a hangover?

    Wholegrain bread can be beneficial when you are suffering from a hangover. It is rich in B vitamins, which can be lost in the body when you consume alcohol. It also provides fibre which can help to soothe an irritated stomach. Bread can also help you to feel full, which can be helpful if your stomach feels empty.

    Can porridge cure a hangover?

    Porridge can be an excellent food to consume when you are suffering from a hangover. Porridge oats are a slow-release source of carbohydrates which can help to stabilise blood sugar levels. Porridge can also be prepared with water or milk which helps with hydration. Porridge is also relatively bland, meaning it will not irritate a sensitive stomach.  

    Can eggs cure a hangover?

    Eggs can be beneficial for alleviating hangover symptoms. They are rich in an amino acid known as cysteine. This helps to break down acetaldehyde, a byproduct of alcohol metabolism and a significant contributor to hangover symptoms. Egg yolks are also rich in choline, a nutrient essential for liver function. As the liver has to work hard to process alcohol, boosting nutrients that help the liver function can be very beneficial. 

    Can bacon cure a hangover?

    Bacon is a popular choice among many people as a go-to hangover food, often featured in "morning after" breakfasts. Bacon is very salty and can help to replenish the sodium lost due to the diuretic effect of alcohol. It also helps to satisfy cravings for fatty or greasy foods that many people have when they are hungover.

    Can beans cure a hangover?

    Beans can be beneficial when you are hungover. They are rich in fibre, protein and B vitamins which can help rejuvenate the body's supply that is lost when you consume alcohol. The fibre and protein content of beans also helps to slow digestion, providing a prolonged feeling of fullness as well as a steady supply of energy throughout the day. 

    Can nuts cure a hangover?

    Nuts are nutritious and can offer numerous health benefits that can help to mitigate a hangover. Nuts are rich in healthy fats and protein that can help stabilise blood sugar levels. They are also rich in magnesium which can help reduce muscle cramps and fatigue caused by alcohol consumption.

    Can pizza cure a hangover?

    Pizza is a popular go-to food for many people after a night of drinking or the morning after. Pizza is a carbohydrate that helps to reduce fatigue and weakness. It is also high in salt and fat content which can help to prolong energy release and replenish sodium levels lost due to alcohol consumption. Pizza can however cause dehydration and is not rich in nutrients which may make a hangover feel worse.

    Can ginger cure a hangover?

    Ginger is well-known for its medicinal properties, particularly its anti-nausea effects. It also helps to fight inflammation in the body. It also has antioxidant properties. Alcohol can increase oxidative stress so ginger can help to neutralise harmful free radicals. 

    Can Greek yoghurt cure a hangover?

    Greek yoghurt can have nutritional benefits that help to relieve a hangover. It is a good source of protein and it is also rich in calcium, magnesium and B vitamins. It also contains probiotics that help to support gut health, especially if the alcohol you have consumed is disrupting gut flora.

    Can Cayenne pepper cure a hangover?

    Cayenne pepper is known for its medicinal properties as well as its spicy taste. Cayenne pepper boosts metabolism which can potentially help alcohol be metabolised quicker. It also increases circulation which can help to combat fatigue. Cayenne pepper however can irritate a sensitive stomach due to its spiciness.  

    Can bananas cure a hangover?

    Bananas are often recommended as a part of hangover recovery due to their nutritional properties. They are high in potassium, meaning they can replenish levels lost due to the diuretic effect of alcohol. They are also rich in natural sugars such as fructose and glucose. Bananas also contain the amino acid tryptophan which the body can convert into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that can help contribute to feelings of relaxation and happiness. 

    Can avocado cure a hangover?

    Avocados are well known as being a ‘super food’, a food which is rich in nutrients and vitamins. They are rich in potassium, fibre and healthy fats, all of which can help to alleviate some of the symptoms of a hangover. They also contain antioxidants that can help to break down alcohol in the liver. Avocados are also gentle on the stomach meaning they are good to eat if you struggle with a sensitive stomach when hungover. 

    Can spinach cure a hangover?

    Spinach, like many nutrient-dense foods, offers benefits that can help alleviate some hangover symptoms. It contains magnesium and potassium that can help to reduce muscle cramps and fatigue. Alcohol consumption can also cause folate deficiency. Spinach contains folate (also known as vitamin B9) which can help promote proper brain function. As well as these benefits, spinach also has a high water content meaning it can contribute to rehydration. 

    Can brown rice cure a hangover?

    Consuming brown rice can help address some symptoms or side effects associated with hangovers. It is a complex carbohydrate that can help to stabilise blood sugar levels. It also contains fibre, magnesium and B vitamins which are lost during alcohol consumption. Brown rice is also easily digestible, making it perfect for a sensitive stomach. 

    Can mushrooms cure a hangover?

    Mushrooms, depending on the variety and how they're consumed, can provide nutritional benefits that may assist in alleviating some hangover symptoms. They are rich in minerals, B vitamins and antioxidants that can help treat hangover symptoms. They also have digestive benefits due to natural prebiotic properties that support gut health. 

    Can carrots cure a hangover?

    Consuming carrots during a hangover can help in a few ways. They have a high water content and can aid in rehydration when hungover. They are also high in vitamin A, an antioxidant that can help combat oxidative stress. Carrots are also rich in other vitamins and minerals that help promote general health. 

    Can lime cure a hangover?

    Lime, often paired with water or other ingredients, can offer some relief from hangover symptoms. Lime that is squeezed into water can help you to rehydrate. They are also good for balancing electrolytes and aiding digestion. Limes also have an alkalizing effect on the body which can help to restore pH balance.

    Can apples cure a hangover?

    Apples are a nutritious fruit that can offer some relief from hangover symptoms. They are full of natural sugars like fructose which can help elevate blood sugar levels which may be low after excessive alcohol consumption. They also contain pectin, a fibre that can help support gut health. 

    Can quinoa cure a hangover?

    Consuming quinoa can support the body in its recovery from the effects of alcohol. Quinoa is rich in nutrients, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins. It is also high in fibre which can help your digestive system that may be disrupted due to alcohol consumption.

    Can pears cure a hangover?

    Pears, especially Asian pears (also known as Korean or Nashi pears), have been researched for their potential benefits in alleviating hangover symptoms. Studies suggest consuming Asian pear juice before you consume alcohol can speed up the body’s ability to process alcohol (Kawamoto et al, 2013). Non-Asian pears also have a high water content which can contribute to rehydration. 

    Can gherkins cure a hangover?

    Gherkins, or pickled cucumbers, are often cited as a folk remedy for hangovers in some cultures. Gherkins are packed full of sodium and electrolytes which helps to replenish levels that are lost during alcohol consumption. They also contain water which can contribute to rehydration. Some people will also crave salty food when they are hungover and gherkins can help this.

    Can tomatoes cure a hangover?

    Tomatoes can offer several benefits in the context of hangover recovery. They can help with hydration as they have a high water content. Tomatoes contain an antioxidant called Lycopene which can provide a number of benefits as well as helping to combat oxidative stress.

    Can wasabi cure a hangover?

    Wasabi does possess some properties that might be beneficial in the context of hangover recovery, although these benefits are more speculative than those of many other foods. The strong flavour of wasabi can provide a temporary feeling of alertness. It also has detoxifying compounds which are believed to combat toxins caused by alcohol consumption. 

    Can thyme cure a hangover?

    Thyme does possess some properties that might provide relief from certain hangover symptoms. It has antioxidant properties and can help with digestion. Thyme also has diuretic properties which can help to flush toxins out of the body. This does, however, contribute to potential dehydration so you should make sure to drink plenty of water.

    Can asparagus cure a hangover?

    Asparagus has been studied for its potential benefits related to alcohol metabolism and the alleviation of hangover symptoms. Asparagus can help to protect the liver, and can also boost levels of enzymes that help to break down alcohol. It also provides essential minerals including potassium that help to replenish electrolytes. 

    Can chocolate cure a hangover?

    Consuming chocolate might offer some relief from specific hangover symptoms. It can give you an endorphin boost which will help you to feel happier. It also contains caffeine which can slightly boost alertness and combats fatigue. Chocolate also contains theobromine which can help to increase blood flow, helping to alleviate some hangover symptoms. 

    Can cake cure a hangover?

    Cake is not typically regarded as a remedy for hangovers, and it certainly isn't a cure. However, eating cake might offer some temporary relief or comfort from specific hangover symptoms. Cake can help boost blood sugar which may be low, and is also a carbohydrate that provides some energy. 

    Can chicken soup cure a hangover?

    Chicken soup does offer several benefits that can aid in hangover recovery. Chicken soup provides electrolytes that were lost and nutrients that help to stabilise blood sugar levels. It also helps with rehydration which can alleviate symptoms such as headaches, dizziness and fatigue. 

    Can salmon cure a hangover?

    Salmon, a nutrient-rich fish, can provide numerous benefits that may help alleviate hangover symptoms. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce inflammation in the body. It also is broken down into amino acids which can aid in the repair and recovery of body tissues that are affected by alcohol. 

    Can olive oil cure a hangover?

    Olive oil consumption might have certain protective or ameliorative effects regarding alcohol intake. It can help to coat the stomach which can help slow the absorption of alcohol. It is also a source of vitamin E which helps to combat oxidative stress. 

    Can honey cure a hangover?

    Honey has properties that may alleviate some hangover symptoms. Honey contains natural sugars including fructose which can help speed up the breakdown of alcohol. It also helps soothe the stomach which can help alleviate symptoms such as nausea and acid reflux. 

    Can certain drinks help to cure a hangover?

    Certain drinks can aid in alleviating hangover symptoms, though it's important to note that no drink will entirely cure a hangover. Here are some drinks that can be beneficial during hangover recovery.

    Can water cure a hangover?

    Water consumption plays an important role in treating a hangover. It aids in rehydration, replenishing fluid levels lost due to alcohol being a diuretic. It also helps to flush out toxins and metabolic by-products. Water, however, will not replenish the electrolytes lost. 

    Can coffee cure a hangover?

    Coffee can have a beneficial effect when you are suffering from the symptoms of a hangover. It can help with alertness, and can also counteract fatigue. Caffeine can also stimulate the release of mood-boosting neurotransmitters such as dopamine. Caffeine also helps to alleviate headaches.

    Can milk cure a hangover?

    Milk can offer some benefits that might help alleviate certain hangover symptoms. It can help with rehydration and can also provide vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin D. Milk also provides protein which can help to stabilise blood sugar levels. Milk can also soothe the stomach by coating the stomach lining and slowing alcohol absorption. 

    Can fruit juice cure a hangover?

    Yes, fruit juice might be beneficial during hangover recovery. It helps with hydration and electrolyte replenishment and also has natural sugars and vitamin C which can help support the immune system. Fruit juice can also provide a quick energy boost which can help alleviate feelings of fatigue. 

    Can coconut water cure a hangover?

    Coconut water is often touted as a hangover remedy due to its hydrating properties and nutrient content. Coconut water not only helps rehydration, but it can also provide electrolytes. It also contains natural sugars and vitamins that can support overall health and recovery. As well as this, it also contains antioxidants that help with oxidative stress.

    Can ginger tea cure a hangover?

    Ginger tea is a popular remedy for various ailments, including digestive issues and nausea. Ginger tea is anti-nausea meaning it helps to soothe your stomach. It is also rich in antioxidants that can help with oxidative stress. Ginger tea also helps promote gastric motility, aiding digestion and alleviating symptoms like bloating. 

    Can green tea cure a hangover?

    Drinking green tea may provide some relief from certain hangover symptoms. It has mild caffeine content that can help to provide a gentle boost in alertness. It is also good at providing antioxidants and rehydration. Green tea also contains L-theanine which is known to have calming effects and can calm you if you are suffering from restlessness and anxiety. 

    Can peppermint tea cure a hangover?

    Peppermint tea is known for its soothing properties, especially related to digestion and it can provide relief from certain hangover symptoms. It provides digestive soothing that can help with bloating and stomach discomfort. It is also anti-nausea which means it helps to calm a sensitive stomach. 

    Can certain supplements help to cure a hangover?

    Several supplements are believed to help alleviate hangover symptoms, although it's important to note that no supplement can "cure" a hangover completely. However, when used correctly, some supplements can help to improve the symptoms of a hangover. 

    What are effervescent tablets?

    Effervescent tablets are a type of pharmaceutical or supplement product designed to dissolve in water and then release carbon dioxide, resulting in a fizzy or effervescent solution. These tablets are formulated to ensure a rapid and complete release of the active ingredients in a specific liquid, usually water.

    Why are effervescent tablets popular for hangovers?

    Effervescent tablets have gained popularity as a remedy for hangovers for several reasons:

    • Rapid Absorption: The active ingredients in effervescent tablets dissolve in water, creating a solution that can be absorbed faster by the body compared to traditional solid tablets. 

    • Hydration: Hangovers often come with dehydration as a primary symptom. Consuming an effervescent tablet encourages the intake of additional fluids, aiding in rehydration.

    • Electrolyte Replenishment: Some effervescent tablets designed for hangovers contain electrolytes like potassium and sodium. These help restore the body's electrolyte balance, which can be disrupted after excessive alcohol consumption.

    • Vitamin and Mineral Boost: Alcohol can deplete certain vitamins and minerals from the body. Effervescent tablets often contain vitamins (like B and C vitamins) and minerals to help counteract these deficiencies.

    • Stomach-Friendly: The fizzy solution can sometimes be gentler on an irritated stomach compared to swallowing a solid pill, especially if the individual is feeling nauseous.

    Which effervescent tablets are available at UK Meds?

    There are a number of different effervescent tablets that are available to purchase online from UK Meds, including:

    Can Myrkl hangover pills cure a hangover?

    No, Myrkl does not cure a hangover. It does something even better, it prevents you from getting a hangover. Myrkl contains a formula called AB001 which is the result of over 30 years of research and development by de Faire Medical. It is activated in the gut and helps to break down alcohol into water and carbon dioxide to prevent a hangover.

    What is the best way to take a Myrkl hangover pill?

    The best way to take the Myrkl hangover pill is by taking two pills with water at least two hours before you begin drinking alcohol. This gives the active ingredients plenty of time to get to work to help prevent a hangover. 

    Are Myrkl supplements available at UK Meds?

    Yes, you can purchase Myrkl hangover pills online from UK Meds, including a 10-capsule option, which will be delivered directly to your door. 

    Comparison Table

    Here is a handy comparison table for all of the foods, drinks and supplements mentioned above.


    How does it help a hangover?

    Fresh FruitAids hydration, provides vitamins, minerals and natural sugars, fibre and antioxidants
    ToastStabilise blood sugar levels, replenish calories and is good for a sensitive stomach
    Wholegrain BreadProvides fibre and B vitamins and helps you feel full
    PorridgeSlow-release carbohydrate, good for a sensitive stomach
    EggsRich in cysteine and choline
    BaconVery salty and replenishes sodium, satisfies cravings
    BeansRich in fibre, protein and B vitamins
    NutsRich in healthy fats, magnesium and protein
    PizzaHigh in salt and fat, prolonged energy release
    GingerAnti-nausea and fights inflammation
    Greek YoghurtSource of protein, rich in calcium, magnesium and B vitamins
    Cayenne PepperBoosts metabolism and increases circulation
    BananasHigh in potassium and natural sugars, also contains tryptophan
    AvocadoRich in nutrients and vitamins, potassium and healthy fats, gentle on the stomach
    SpinachContains folate, has a high water content and prevents muscle cramps and fatigue
    Brown RiceComplex carbohydrate stabilises blood sugar levels. Contains fibre, magnesium and B vitamins
    MushroomsRich in minerals, B vitamins and antioxidants and several digestive benefits
    CarrotsHigh in vitamin A and have a high water content
    LimesBalances electrolytes and aids digestion has an alkalizing effect
    ApplesNatural sugars, contains pectin
    QuinoaRich in nutrients, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins
    PearsCan help process alcohol (Korean pears), and have a high water content
    GherkinsFull of sodium and electrolytes
    TomatoesHigh water content, contains an antioxidant called Lycopene
    WasabiProvides feelings of alertness and has detoxifying compounds
    ThymeDiuretic and antioxidant properties
    AsparagusProtects the liver and boosts enzyme levels that break down alcohol
    ChocolateProvides an endorphin boost, contains theobromine
    CakeBoost low blood sugar, provides energy
    Chicken SoupBoosts electrolytes and stabilises blood sugar levels
    SalmonContains omega-3 fatty acids, broken into amino acids that aid recovery
    Olive OilCoats the stomach, slows alcohol absorption
    HoneyContains natural sugars, soothes the stomach
    WaterAids rehydration, flushes out toxins
    CoffeeHelps alertness, stimulates mood-boosting neurotransmitters
    MilkProvides protein and soothes the stomach
    Fruit JuiceHelps hydration and electrolytes
    Coconut WaterHelps rehydration, contains natural sugars and vitamins
    Ginger TeaHelps digestive issues and nausea, rich in antioxidants
    Green TeaMild caffeine content, contains L-theanine
    Peppermint TeaSoothes digestion, helps bloating and stomach discomfort
    Effervescent TabletsRapidly absorbed, hydrating, replenishes electrolytes, boosts vitamins and minerals
    MyrklPrevents a hangover


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