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    09/09/23 · 20 min read

    Tretinoin vs Retinol: The Two Retinoids Compared

    Tretinoin vs Retinol: The Two Retinoids Compared

    Both Tretinoin and Retinol are both types of medication that are known as retinoids. A retinoid is a class of chemicals that is a derivative of vitamin A. When used on the skin, retinoids can help to treat a number of conditions and can also provide a number of anti-ageing properties. In this article, we will compare Tretinoin and Retinol. Tretinoin is an incredibly popular medication that has recently blown up on the social media platform TikTok. When people are researching Tretinoin they may stumble upon Retinol and they may be unsure which medication is right for them. This article will help people to make up their minds.

    Google Web Story: Tretinoin vs Retinol

    Take a look at our Google Web Story summarising the key differences between the acne treatments Tretinoin and Retinol below:

    Tretinoin vs Retinol: what are they used for?

    Both Tretinoin and Retinol are used to help treat acne and they both have anti-ageing properties. As mentioned, they are both retinoid medications that are derived from vitamin A. Derivates of vitamin A can provide a number of benefits to the skin. Tretinoin, for example, can help to treat chronic and acute acne, improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and can also be used to help with a number of different skin-related conditions. Retinol, whilst not as potent as Tretinoin, can also be used to help with similar conditions, particularly ageing and acne. 

    Tretinoin vs Retinol: when are they used?

    These two medications may be used under different circumstances. Retinol is usually used before Tretinoin by those that have had experience using over-the-counter skin care medications. Retinol is also commonly used as an ingredient in some skincare products, so people may have used it before without knowing. Tretinoin on the other hand is a stronger medication that is often used when other weaker products have not had the desired effect.

    Tretinoin vs Retinol: how are they used?

    Tretinoin and retinol can come in a number of different forms, however, the most common form of both medications is cream. The cream is to be put onto the affected area, most commonly the face, usually at night time. The way that specific medication works will vary from product to product so it is important that you read the information leaflet that is provided with each product. 

    What are the benefits of Tretinoin?

    There are a number of different benefits that users of Tretinoin can experience when they begin using the medication. The most common benefits of Tretinoin are:

    • Opening and unclogging pores

    • Clearing stubborn acne

    • Improving the look and feel of fine lines and wrinkles

    • Helps with pigmentation issues

    • Can even out skin tone

    • Prevents new acne from forming

    What are the benefits of Retinol?

    Retinol usage can also have a number of benefits. Whilst it may not be as potent as Tretinoin, it can still provide users with a number of benefits. Some of the most common benefits include:

    • Can help to treat stubborn acne

    • Can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

    • Clears and opens up pores

    • Can even out skin tone

    • Can be purchased without a prescription

    How do the strengths of Tretinoin vs Retinol compare?

    Tretinoin is a more concentrated derivative of vitamin A. This means that it is stronger than Retinol. Retinol can be used on its own, however, it is more commonly used as an ingredient in skin care products. Tretinoin on the other hand is most commonly used on its own as it is stronger. Because of their differing strengths, how you purchase each medication is different also.

    Is Tretinoin a prescription drug?

    Yes, due to its strength and it being a higher concentrated medication than Retinol, you will need to have a valid prescription in order to purchase Tretinoin. To purchase Tretinoin, you can complete a free online consultation with UK Meds. This is to ensure that the medication is right for you. 

    Can you get Tretinoin over the counter?

    No, because Tretinoin is a prescription medication, therefore you must either get a prescription from your Doctor or from an online clinic, in order to get it.

    Is Retinol a prescription drug?

    No, this is perhaps the biggest difference between Tretinoin and Retinol. To purchase Retinol you do not need a prescription. A lot of skincare products will also contain Retinol, the majority of which you will also not need a prescription for.

    Can you get Retinol over the counter?

    As you do not need a prescription to purchase Retinol, this means you can purchase and use Retinol over the counter. Over-the-counter simply means you do not need a prescription to buy. 

    Tretinoin vs Retinol: How do the side effects compare?

    As with all medications, there is the risk that you could experience some side effects when you Tretinoin or Retinol. There are some more common side effects of both medications. Here are the most common side effects of Tretinoin:

    • Itching or redness of the skin

    • A skin purge phase

    • Lightening of darkening of the skin

    • An initial break out of spots

    • Warm feeling skin

    • Increased sensitivity to the sun

    Some of these side effects, like the purge phase, are to be expected and are all part of the healing process. The most common side effects of Retinol are:

    • Redness

    • Irritation

    • Dry skin

    • Itching

    • Increased sensitivity to the sun

    As Retinol is of a lower strength than Tretinoin, the chances of experiencing side effects are lessened. 

    Who is Tretinoin suitable for?

    Tretinoin is an incredibly effective medication. Unfortunately, it may not be suitable for everyone to use. If you are allergic to Tretinoin then you should not use it. You must not use Tretinoin if you are pregnant as it can have adverse effects on the baby. If you are breastfeeding you may also wish to discuss this with your doctor, however, it should be okay to use.

    Who is Retinol suitable for?

    As it is of a lower strength than Tretinoin, Retinol is safe to be used by those that require it. If you do however have an allergy to Retinol, or if you have an allergic reaction when using Retinol then you should not use it. If you have any concerns about using Retinol then you should speak with your doctor. 

    Are there any alternatives to Tretinoin?

    Retinol can be a good alternative to Tretinoin if you are unable to use it. As an over-the-counter medication, you may wish to consider using Retinol. If you are looking for an alternative to Tretinoin then you can also use other retinoid creams such as Treclin Gel to help with your condition. 

    Tretinoin vs Retinol: A Summary

    Here is a handy table that shows the key differences between Tretinoin and Retinol:


    Key Features

    TretinoinPrescription-only medicationStronger and more concentrated than RetinolInduces a ‘purge phase’
    RetinolCan be purchase over the counterWeaker than TretinoinLower risk of side effects

    Is Tretinoin available at UK Meds?

    Yes, you can purchase the Tretinoin that you need online from UK Meds. As Tretinoin is a prescription-only medication you will need to first complete our free online consultation before you can make a purchase.

    Google Web Story: A-Z Guide to Tretinoin

    Google Web Story: Can You Get Tretinoin on the NHS?

    Google Web Story: How To Get A Prescription For Tretinoin Cream In The UK

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    Blog author

    Scott Weaver

    Scott is an experienced and professional content writer who works exclusively for UK Meds.

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