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    • Viral TikTok skincare treatment
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    09/09/23 · 20 min read

    A-Z Guide to Tretinoin

    Tretinoin is a very effective medication that is used to help treat and manage a number of different skin conditions. Recently, it has risen in popularity due to it becoming a viral sensation on TikTok and other social media platforms. Because of this popularity boost, people are curious about the medication, and whether or not it could actually help them with their own problems. Our A-Z guide to Tretinoin is sure to provide people with the information they are looking for regarding the medication, the conditions it treats and much more, all the way from A to Z. 

    Video: What is Tretinoin?

    A - Acne

    Acne is a skin condition that occurs on the face, neck, back and arms. It typically appears as spots, blackheads and whiteheads. Acne is usually caused by clogged pores. The pores are usually clogged by oil and dead skin cells. The most common forms of acne are blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. All of these forms of acne are treated effectively by Tretinoin.

    B - Buying Tretinoin

    You can purchase Tretinoin online from UK Meds. You can get a prescription by completing a FREE consultation with us. After successfully completing the online consultation form, you will then be able to purchase your medication. 

    C - Collagen

    Collagen is a protein that is found in the body. It is the most abundant protein that is found in the human body, making up around 25-35% of all protein. Collagen provides strength and structure to the skin and is needed for providing elasticity that can help you look younger. The amount of collagen in the skin decreases over time, leading to wrinkles and fine lines in later life.

    D - Damaged Skin Cells

    Damaged skin cells can be caused by a number of different factors including UV rays, acne or chemical imbalances in the skin. Tretinoin helps to treat damaged skin cells, rejuvenating them with new, healthy ones. In some cases, untreated damaged skin cells that have been left for an extended period of time can develop into conditions such as premature ageing, hyperpigmentation, and some form of skin cancer. 

    E - Elastin

    Elastin is another protein that is found in the skin. It, alongside collagen and other proteins, provides the skin with elasticity that can help the skin to appear younger and fresher. Elastin is essential for maintaining the structure and appearance of the skin. The level of elastin in the skin will diminish over time which can lead to wrinkles and fine lines as you get older.

    F - Fine Lines

    Fine lines are a natural part of the ageing process, however, many people will not want them and will actively try and prevent them. Tretinoin is an effective treatment for turning around and preventing fine lines. Fine lines are shallow wrinkles that appear on the surface of the skin. Typically, they appear most around the mouth, eyes, and on the forehead. 

    G - Growth Factors

    Growth factors are proteins that help to regulate cell growth and differentiation. Tretinoin can affect growth factors in the skin to help treat acne and prevent visible signs of ageing. Growth factors are involved in a wide range of different physiological processes, including tissue regeneration, wound healing and immune response. There are many different types of growth factors, each with its own specific functions and target cells.   

    H - How does Tretinoin work?

    Tretinoin works by speeding up the skin rejuvenation process. It irritates the skin to speed up the life cycle of the cells, meaning damaged and old skin is quickly replaced with fresh, healthy cells. Tretinoin is a type of medication known as a retinoid. It binds itself to specific receptors in the skin cells. It then activates these cells to increase the production of new, healthy cells. 

    I - Irritated Skin

    Tretinoin may lead to the skin becoming irritated, especially during the first couple of weeks. This is because it is speeding up the process of skin rejuvenation and is completely normal. Your skin can become irritated when you are not using medication. Skin can be irritated by factors like the sun, chemicals, allergic reactions or clothing. 

    J - Judging Results

    It is important to not judge your results based on the first few weeks of treatment. It will take a while before you begin to notice the benefits of tretinoin. You need to be patient when using tretinoin, as it can take several weeks to see significant results. It's also important to follow your dermatologist's instructions for use and to use the medication consistently for the best results.

    K - Ketrel

    Ketrel is a branded version of the medication Tretinoin. Ketrel is exactly the same as Tretinoin and is used to treat the same conditions as Tretinoin. Ketrel is also a retinoid medication that can help with acne, fine lines and wrinkles.

    L - Length of Use

    The amount of time that you use Tretinoin will vary from person to person. In general, it is recommended that people use Tretinoin for up to six months so that they can get through the initial ‘purge’ phase. Generally, long-term usage is required for people to experience the full benefits of Tretinoin. 

    M - Moisturiser

    When you begin to use Tretinoin you will also need to use a moisturiser that is suitable for sensitive skin. This moisturiser should also have a good SPF level to protect your skin against sun damage. Moisturiser can help to lock in moisture in the skin. This, alongside tretinoin, will help the skin to appear fresher and more healthy. 

    N - New Skin Cells

    Tretinoin works by speeding up the skin cell process. This means that your skin produces new, healthy cells. These new skin cells will help to improve the look and feel of acne, wrinkles and fine lines. New skin cells are typically smaller and more compact than old skin cells, with a stronger and healthier structure.

    O - Oily Skin

    Tretinoin usage may make your skin a little worse, to begin with. This can mean that your skin appears redder, and more oily. The treatment works by clearing out your pores, this can dig out surface-level oil that would have led to acne.

    P - Purge Phase

    The purge phase of Tretinoin usage refers to the period of time in which it may appear like your skin is becoming worse. Typically, this will be in the first three weeks. Your skin will redden and acne may appear to get worse. This is temporary and is a necessary step. 

    Q - Quick Results

    Tretinoin will not provide people with the instant results that they may be looking for. It will provide people with excellent results a few weeks or months after you first begin using it. Patience is key when using tretinoin, the longer you are willing to wait and stick with your medication, the better the results you will get. 

    R - Reviews

    Here are some reviews from real Tretinoin users:

    “This is the best my face has been in more than a decade. I'd highly recommend.”

    “I have to say the skin that's left looks amazing - so smooth.”

    For more reviews, check out

    S - Side Effects

    As with all other prescription medications, you may experience some side effects when using tretinoin. Some side effects are more common than others. Here are the most common side effects of Tretinoin:

    • A skin ‘purge’

    • Redness

    • Peeling of the skin

    • Itching/burning

    T - Tretinoin

    Tretinoin helps users to open and unclog their pores. It also helps with the clearance of stubborn and chronic acne, the general improvement of wrinkles and skin texture, and the reduction of new acne forming. Tretinoin is becoming increasingly popular thanks to social media. People, especially on TikTok have posted all about the improvement that Tretinoin has made to their skin.

    U - UV Rays

    Tretinoin can make the skin more susceptible to damage from UV rays. UV rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation that is found in the light from the sun. When using Tretinoin you must use a high-SPF moisturiser to keep your skin safe. Exposure to UV rays can have both short-term and long-term effects on the skin and overall health. Short-term effects can include sunburn, skin redness, and increased sensitivity to sunlight. Long-term effects can include premature ageing of the skin, wrinkles, age spots, and an increased risk of skin cancer.

    V - Viral on TikTok

    In recent times Tretinoin has become very popular on TikTok. It has gone viral because of the results that it provides people, with many users posting videos about the benefits its provided people. The use of tretinoin in skincare routines has also been popularized by the trend of "skinfluencers" and the overall increase in interest in skincare and self-care. 

    W - Wrinkles

    Wrinkles are visible creases and folds in the skin that are common signs of ageing. They are caused by several factors including genetics and a loss of elastin and collagen in the skin. Tretinoin helps improve the appearance of wrinkles. Wrinkles can appear anywhere on the body but are most common on the face, neck, and hands. There are several types of wrinkles, including fine lines, deep creases, and folds.

    X - e(X)pectations

    Managing expectations is an important part of using Tretinoin. Because of the popularity of the treatment, many people will assume it provides instant results. You should manage your expectations to ensure you stick with your treatment. 

    Y - Younger-Looking Skin

    Tretinoin can help to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. By boosting the elastin and collagen in the skin it can make people look younger and fresher. Many people want younger-looking skin because it is associated with beauty, vitality, and overall health. Healthier, younger-looking skin can also have some health benefits. Healthier skin means you are more protected against UV rays and certain bacteria.

    Z - Zit Treatment

    A ‘zit’ is a slang term that is used to describe an acne spot. You may hear Tretinoin referred to as a ‘zit’ treatment, especially by American users. This is the same as saying it is an acne treatment. Other colloquial names for spots and acne include pimples

    Google Web Story: A-Z Guide to Tretinoin

    Google Web Story: Can You Get Tretinoin on the NHS?

    Google Web Story: How To Get A Prescription For Tretinoin Cream In The UK

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    Blog author

    Scott Weaver

    Scott is an experienced and professional content writer who works exclusively for UK Meds.

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