Acid Reflux
    09/09/23 · 20 min read

    A Guide to Pantoprazole

    An Introduction to Pantoprazole

    Pantoprazole is a medication that is used to help reduce the amount of acid in the stomach, combatting various conditions which too much stomach acid causes. Pantoprazole is an anti-ulcer medication that is available in tablet form with different strengths and packet sizes. 

    When is pantoprazole prescribed?

    As a prescription-only medication, pantoprazole will be prescribed to someone with a history of stomach acid-based conditions as a form of preventing stomach ulcers, or it may also be prescribed to patients who are suffering from conditions derived from too much stomach acid. Acid reflux is when stomach acid in your sphincter rises up into your oesophagus. This can cause uncomfortable conditions such as heartburn. Pantoprazole is also used to prevent acid reflux. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to Pantoprazole, covering when to take it, how to take it, how long you should take it, and whether or not there are any side effects to taking it. 

    What is Pantoprazole used for?

    As mentioned, Pantoprazole is used to treat and prevent conditions that are caused by excessive amounts of stomach acid. One of the most common conditions associated with excess stomach acid is acid reflux, which is also known as Gastrooesophageal reflux disease, or GORD. Excessive stomach acid also causes stomach ulcers. Stomach ulcers are sores that develop in the lining of the stomach. These ulcers do not only develop in the stomach but they can also become prominent in the intestine near the stomach. Stomach ulcers can be incredibly painful and can lead to further problems. Pantoprazole is used as a treatment for stomach ulcers. 

    Pantoprazole is a PPI medication. PPI stands for proton pump inhibitor. PPI medications work by blocking the enzyme inside the stomach that creates stomach acid, allowing the stomach and the oesophagus to heal themselves. This will also help to alleviate potentially painful symptoms of ulcers and acid reflux.

    When should I take Pantoprazole?

    After being prescribed Pantoprazole, your doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or prescriber will tell you how often and when to take your medication. Pantoprazole can be taken with or without food, and is usually to be taken once a day. 

    How should I take Pantoprazole?

    When you are taking Pantoprazole you will need to take it in a certain way. You should take your prescribed dosage and it can be taken with or without food. The tablet is to be swallowed orally, and you can use water to ease this. You should ensure not to cut, crush, chew, or dissolve the tablet as it will need to be swallowed whole to ensure it works correctly. The dosage of Pantoprazole that you will be prescribed differs depending on age, and what condition you have. The medication is provided in strengths of 20 and 40mg and is available to purchase in different tablet quantities. You can purchase Pantoprazole in packet sizes of 14, 28, 56, and 112. These can be purchased based on the amount you are prescribed. 

    How long should I take Pantoprazole?

    The length of time that someone should take Pantoprazole varies depending on age and condition. For example, for someone over the age of 18 who has been prescribed medication for acid reflux, the tablets should be taken daily for eight weeks. The length of time you take Pantoprazole entirely depends on what you have been given the medication to treat

    What are the side effects of Pantoprazole?

    Pantoprazole can cause some side effects, much in the same way as other medications. The side effects can be different in different people, and can also vary in severity. For adults, the main minor side effects include:

    Children can also experience these minor side effects after taking Pantoprazole, however, they are also susceptible to getting a fever due to taking the medication. However, this is usually  minor. 

    In rare cases, some more severe side effects may occur. These can occur in both adults and children, and include:

    • Abnormal Heart Rate

    • Seizures

    • Cramping and Muscle Aches

    • Hand and Feet Spasms

    • Voice Box Spasms

    As well as this, prolonged use of Pantoprazole can lead to magnesium deficiency in the body. If your body has not got a good amount of magnesium, you could begin to suffer from other health complications. If you wish to stop taking Pantoprazole, or if you would like to reduce your dosage, it is recommended that you talk to your doctor or a nurse who can advise you further. 

    Does Pantoprazole affect fertility?

    In some cases, people have reported that PPI’s as a whole can negatively affect a man’s fertility, more specifically, his sperm mobility. In a 2020 study, it was found that Pantoprazole decreased sperm progressive motility and capacitation-induced sperm hyperactivation. Capacitation is the series of events that take place when a baby is fertilised inside of a human woman. As this process occurs inside of the female, it could mean that her fertility is also affected by taking Pantoprazole. Despite this study, the NHS suggest that there is absolutely no correlation between taking Pantoprazole and reduced fertility levels. If you are trying to conceive whilst taking the medication, you may wish to consult with your doctor regarding any potential effect it may have. If you have concerns about your fertility, check out Babystart’s range of products at UK Meds today.

    You can purchase your Pantoprazole online from UK Meds.


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