Quit Smoking

The detriments to your health caused by smoking cigarettes are well known and well documented and yet thanks to the addictive nicotine, quitting can be very difficult. Although it takes time and effort, stopping smoking can offer a wide range of health benefits from better personal hygiene to reduced risk of long term health conditions. It may be a challenge, but with the help of our effective quitting medication, you’ll be more likely to stop smoking for good.

Nicorette QuickMist Mouthspray
Nicorette QuickMist Mouthspray
  • Helps you to quit smoking
  • Range of flavours
  • For fast craving relief
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Nicotinell Mint Lozenges
Nicotinell Mint Lozenges
  • Effective stop smoking aid
  • Fresh mint taste
  • For smokers who smoke more than 30 a day
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NiQuitin Clear Pre-Quit
NiQuitin Clear Pre-Quit
  • Gradual quitting program
  • Use for 2-4 weeks
  • Helps you quit for good
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NiQuitin Minis Mint Lozenges
NiQuitin Minis Mint Lozenges
  • Effective method
  • Great for on the go
  • Helps overcome the urge to smoke
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NiQuitin Clear Patch
NiQuitin Clear Patch
  • Gradual quitting product
  • 3 different steps
  • Each patch contains varying nicotine
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Nicorette Inhalator
Nicorette Inhalator
  • Suitable for light and heavy smokers
  • Helps you to quit
  • Replaces hand to mouth action
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Nicorette Invisipatch
Nicorette Invisipatch
  • Prevents cravings
  • Invisible patch
  • Effective stop smoking method
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Nicorette Nasal Spray
Nicorette Nasal Spray
  • Relieves withdrawal symptoms
  • Helps you to quit
  • Works quickly
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Nicotinell Chewing Gum
Nicotinell Chewing Gum
  • Nicotine replacement therapy
  • Effective stop smoking technique
  • For those who smoke less than 20 a day
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More Information

Back in the 1950’s, doctors actually used to recommend smoking cigarettes to their patients, but since then we know plenty about the damaging effects of smoking on our health. The smokers cough is the obvious one, as harmful substances are breathed into the lungs. These substances can also cause wheezing, trouble breathing and an increased number of colds, all of which can gradually lead to asthma or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Smoking also comes with a whole host of personal hygiene problems. Not only does the smell of smoke cling to your clothes, house and furniture, but the tar in the cigarettes can cause bad breath and yellow-stained nails and teeth. The build-up on your teeth over time can even lead to tooth loss or gum disease.

As for the serious, long-term conditions, the list goes on and on. Named as the number 1 preventative cause of cancer, smoking can lead to lung cancer, liver cancer, throat and mouth cancer, bladder cancer and cervical cancer in women. It can also lead to stroke, heart disease, kidney failure and fertility problems for both men and women.

The negative effects on your health aren’t just noticed in the long run though - they can also be noticed day to day with smokers often suffering chest pains, reduced sense of smell and taste, and unexplained weight loss. Not only does it negatively impact your health, but it’s also a costly habit. The NHS is said to spend around £2 billion a year on smoking-related illnesses and the average smoker (with a 20-a-day habit) spends £2,000 a year on cigarettes.

Making the decision to stop smoking is not always an easy one but the benefits are endless. After only 20 minutes of stopping, your heart rate will return to a normal level and after 2 hours, your blood pressure will return to normal too. After 12 hours, your carbon monoxide level will start decreasing and once you hit 48 hours of quitting, your sense of smell and taste will start to come back. Once you’ve gone 3 days without a cigarette, the nicotine will have left your body, and after 2 or 3 weeks, your lung function will start to improve. 1 year after stopping, your lungs will begin to repair and your risk of long-term health defects will start to decrease.

In the first instance of quitting, you may experience some headaches, mood swings and weight gain due to the nicotine withdrawal. However, the benefits by far outweigh these; better skin, improved personal hygiene, and a better sense of smell and taste. It will also improve your overall health by reducing coughing and breathing problems.

Quitting smoking can also improve your wellbeing by enabling you to participate in sports and exercise more easily, making the air around you more pleasant for others and reducing your chances of passing second-hand smoke on to your friends, family or children. Along with all of the health and hygiene benefits, stopping smoking can also save you a great amount of money that be used on more exciting things such as holidays or new tech.

Smoke Patch / Nicotine Patch

Despite all the benefits of stopping, many people find it extremely difficult because of the addictive nicotine that keeps smokers wanting more. The ability to quit greatly depends on you as a person and can be affected by your age, lifestyle and how many cigarettes you smoke. Some people manage to quit on willpower alone; going cold turkey and simply deciding not to smoke again. However, this method is difficult and often ends in relapse. A lot of people are also swapping to e-cigarettes, as the physical action of smoking can be as much a part of the addiction as the ingredients. However, data on their success is limited.

There are also a variety of nicotine replacement therapies, such as patches, gums and pills, that feed the addiction in the brain without the other harmful substances that cigarettes administer. Despite the fact that these are arguably the most common, they are not actually the most successful. It’s likely that the appeal of these though is that they are over the counter, meaning people can easily buy them without a prescription.

Prescription options are the more successful treatment, beating nicotine replacements and other methods. Champix tablets are easy to take and block nicotine cravings, negating your desire to smoke. After the standard starter pack, you can purchase refill packs for as long as you feel that you need to, to give you the best possible chance of quitting for good. This prescription treatment can be ordered quickly and safely from UK Meds with flexible delivery options.

Whichever method you choose, it’s not enough to do them on their own. Your attitude and mindset need to be right (that is, you have to really want to quit) and you should speak to friends, family and employers to encourage them to help (rather than hinder) you in your quitting mission. Try keeping track of how many days you’ve been smoke-free for, avoid smoke-heavy places and consider downloading quit smoking apps to give you the best possible chance of stopping for good.

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