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Part of a group of sexually transmitted infections, genital warts are caused by a particular strain of HPV. Using Warticon to clear genital warts restores health and normality to daily life and sex life.

  • Clears genital warts
  • Easy application
  • Works in 7 days
  • Genuine medication
  • All drugs sourced in the UK
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From: £40.99
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Warticon Cream / Warticon Solution

Warticon is part of a group of medicines called ‘antivirals’ and is used in the treatment of genital warts.

For more information on the prescription medication patients should refer to the Warticon patient information leaflet.

When applied directly to the genital warts, this medication works by preventing wart cells dividing and spreading, as it contains a medicine called podophyllotoxin.

Warticon Wart Treatment

Warticon is a prescription-only medication. Always follow the advice of your doctor and read the patient information leaflet provided in the medication packet.

Before applying the cream or solution, wash the affected area with soap and water and then dry well. Decant a little product onto your finger and cover each wart with the medication. Once all of them are covered, wash your hands well after use.

If you are showing symptoms for or being treated for genital warts then you shouldn't engage in sexual contact with anyone because of the risk of passing it on and spreading the disease.

Warticon 0.15% Cream

Warticon contains the active ingredient of podophyllotoxin, and it’s available as a cream or a solution.

The standard dose is to apply the Warticon twice a day, in the morning and evening for 3 days. Then do not apply the product for 4 days, completing one treatment course. If you still have warts remaining after the first treatment course, then repeat the process again, however you should not exceed a total of 4 treatment courses without first consulting your doctor.

If you forget to complete your Warticon treatment then simply apply it as soon as you remember. However, if this is too close to your next scheduled dose then just skip the forgotten one and go onto the next one. Do not double up on a dose to make up for a missed one.

If you use more Warticon than you should, or apply it in the wrong place then you should wash the area with soap and water. If someone happens to ingest some of the cream then contact your nearest doctor or emergency department as soon as possible.

Before taking Warticon, you should always first consult your doctor. You should not take Warticon if any of the following apply to you:

  • you are allergic (hypersensitive) to podophyllotoxin or any of the other ingredients in this medicine
  • your warts are on areas of broken, damaged or bleeding skin
  • you are already using another medicine containing podophyllotoxin

Your prescription of Warticon may also be affected by a number of other factors, so you should make your doctor aware if any of the following apply:

  • your warts cover an area bigger than 4 centimetres, as you may need to have this medicine applied by a medical professional.

Like many medications with active ingredients, Aldara can affect or be affected by other medicines. You should let your doctor know of any medications (prescription or over the counter) that you are currently taking. It’s not advisable to use this medication if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

You should not apply Warticon to warts on the inside of the penis, vagina or rectum; it’s an external-only medication. Also, try to avoid applying the product to any healthy skin surrounding the warts and do not cover with a plaster or dressing after application.

If you have ever had genital warts or are currently being treated for it then you should always practice safe sex by using condoms. If you have genital sores or blisters then you should avoid having sex entirely, until they have been treated.

The most common side effects of using Warticon include:

  • wearing away of the top layers of skin
  • application site irritation
  • Redness
  • Itching
  • burning sensation

If you do experience one or more of these side effects and they persist or worsen, then inform your doctor right away. You should also contact your doctor immediately if you experience any serious side effects.

Buy Warticon

You can safely buy Warticon online at UK Meds. You will first need to have an online consultation with a pharmacist independent prescriber before your order will be supplied. The online consultation will ensure that Warticon is the right medication for your medical condition.

Part of a group of sexually transmitted infections, Genital warts are caused by a particular strain of HPV. They can cause pain, discomfort and itching and left untreated, can be spread to other people.

Using Warticon to clear genital warts restores health and normality to daily life and sex life.


Content author

Scott Weaver

Medical Content Writer • Bachelor of Arts Degree

Scott is an experienced, skilled content writer dedicated to creating helpful and accessible medical content for UK Meds.

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