    From £28.99
    • Painkiller to effectively treat migraines
    • Narrows blood vessels in the brain
    • Prompt treatment prevents disruption to your day
    From £15.99
    • Effective for migraine with or without aura
    • Decreases need for additional painkillers
    • Reduces symptoms like nausea or sensitivity to light
    From £10.99
    • Effective migraine treatment
    • Kills the pain of a headache
    • Helps you to return to daily life
    General Health
    09/09/23 · 20 min read

    What are the different types of migraine?

    What is the difference between a headache and a migraine?

    Although the two are commonly confused, there is a big difference between a migraine and a headache. General headaches are very common and are often brought on as a secondary symptom to another health problem; viruses (including the flu) often carry headaches as a side effect, as do a lot of chronic conditions. Headaches can also occur as a premenstrual symptom, as well as a side effect of jet lag, dehydration or insomnia.

    Migraines are different, however, in that they are not a symptom or side effect but a condition of their own. People who suffer from migraines often find that they get them regularly, at intervals anywhere from every day to once every few months. However, it’s very rare that someone will only have a migraine once in their lifetime, as people seem to either be susceptible to getting them or not. If you thought you’d had a migraine but never experience a repeat then it’s likely you just had a very severe headache.

    And while migraines are different from headaches, they can also be split into a variety of different migraine types. Some sufferers experience a variety of the different types, while some people’s migraines will very much follow a pattern.

    Some different types of migraine headache medicine are listed below.

    • What does Almogran do?

      Almogran relieves headache by reducing the inflammatory response in the brain.

    • What does Kool 'n Soothe do?

      Kool 'n Soothe has an 8 hour effect and provides relief from migraines.

    • What does 4head Cutaneous Stick do?

      4head Cutaneous Stick provides instant relief of headaches and is suitable for adults and children.

    • What does Zomig Nasal Spray do?

      Zomig Nasal Spray treats migraines effectively.

    • What does Zomig do?

      Zomig is an effective treatment for migrain headaches. It works by constricting blood vessels to block pain.

    • What does Zomig Rapimelt do?

      Zomig Rapimelt is a painkiller that is effectively used to treat migraines.

    • What does Zolmitriptan do?

      Zolmitriptan provides effective treatment for migraine headaches by restricting blood vessels in the brain.

    • What does Sumatriptan do?

      Sumatriptan treats migraine headaches which have or don't have the "aura". It decreases the need for additional pain killers.

    Video: What is Sumatriptan?

    • What does Rizatriptan do?

      Rizatriptan provides effective migraine treatment, allowing you to return to your daily life.

    • What does Midgard do?

      Midgard relieves migraine and eases nausea and visual disturbances.

    • What does Maxalt do?

      Maxalt treats painful headaches with a tablet.

    • What does Imigran Radis do?

      Imigran Radis treats your migraine and allows you to carry on as normal.

    • What does Imigran Nasal Spray do?

      Imigran Nasal Spray stops blood vessels from widening.

    • What does Imigran do?

      Imigran offers instant relief for migraines with or without aura.

    • What does Almotriptan do?

      Almotriptan is a painkiller specifically made for migraines.

    • What does Frovatriptan do?

      Frovatriptan relieves migraine symptoms and works quickly.

    What is a Migraine with aura?

    Migraine with aura is what is known as the “classic” migraine, with pretty much all the possible symptoms involved. People who have migraine with aura will experience a variety of visual disturbances either on the lead-up to, or during, the headache. These visual disturbances include blurred vision, spotting on the eyes, flashing lights or blind spots.

    They can act as a kind of warning sign that a migraine is about to commence, so this kind of migraine can be easier to treat. Taking painkillers before the headache has had time to develop means that you can often prevent it, rather than suffering while waiting for the medication to kick in if taken when the headache already exists.

    Migraine with aura is then followed up with the classic painful headache, which can be accompanied by a sensitivity to light or sound, nausea and vomiting. The visual disturbances (or the “aura”) usually give way to the other symptoms, with the migraine following a sort of linear pattern. However, some people do find that their visual problems persist even once the headache has begun.

    What is a Migraine without aura?

    Migraine without aura is the most common kind of migraine and carries all the same symptoms as a migraine with aura, but without the visual aspects. This means that you often receive no warning signs and are instead only aware of the migraine once the painful headache sets in.

    The headache associated with a migraine is usually a very sharp ache, felt as a throbbing pain that seems to take over your whole head. It can be extremely debilitating and can often have sufferers staying home from work, school or other daily activities.

    Although people who get a migraine without aura don’t have any visual signs (like blurred vision or blind spots), they can often still experience a heightened sensitivity to light (and sound) during their headache. The headache can also still be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

    What is a Silent Migraine?

    The rarest kind of them all, a silent migraine gets its name because of its lack of the usual headache. Sufferers can often struggle to realise that what they have is a migraine, because of the fact that migraines are so closely associated with headaches.

    We have migraine headache medicine for sale here at UK Meds. Those which require a prescription will require you to obtain one, or you can use our online doctor's service to get.

    In the instance of a silent migraine, although you don’t get the headache, you can still experience the “aura”; spotting behind the eyes, blurred vision, blind spots and flashing lights. Once the visual disturbances pass, instead of the headache you can often be met with a feeling of nausea and often actual vomiting too.

    Migrane headaches may be caused by lack of sleep. If you are unable to sleep on a regular schedule, this is called Insomnia. There is sleeping medication that can help treat Insomnia. Many sleeping pills are prescription strength. If you need sleeping pills, but do not have a prescription, our online doctor's service may be able to assist you.

    What causes Migraines?

    The actual cause of migraines, unfortunately, remains unclear. Although we know that someone who gets them is likely to get them again and again, it’s not been deduced as to why exactly certain people develop them in the first place and others don’t.

    Some research suggests that it’s linked to genes and your DNA, because people who get migraines often have parents, siblings or children who also get them. However, there has been no specific gene identified as of yet.

    Another theory is that it could be something to do with your hormones. A lot of women who experience migraines tend to notice that they happen in line with their menstrual cycle, suggesting that hormones could play a role.

    Although the cause is not fully understood, treatment luckily is. There are a number of effective medications that you can use when a migraine strikes, to allow you to carry on with your day; whichever type it is that you have.igraine strikes, to allow you to carry on with your day; whichever type it is that you have.

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    From £28.99
    • Painkiller to effectively treat migraines
    • Narrows blood vessels in the brain
    • Prompt treatment prevents disruption to your day
    From £15.99
    • Effective for migraine with or without aura
    • Decreases need for additional painkillers
    • Reduces symptoms like nausea or sensitivity to light
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    • Effective migraine treatment
    • Kills the pain of a headache
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    • Painkiller to effectively treat migraines
    • Narrows blood vessels in the brain
    • Prompt treatment prevents disruption to your day
    From £15.99
    • Effective for migraine with or without aura
    • Decreases need for additional painkillers
    • Reduces symptoms like nausea or sensitivity to light
    From £10.99
    • Effective migraine treatment
    • Kills the pain of a headache
    • Helps you to return to daily life

    Blog author

    Scott Weaver

    Scott is an experienced and professional content writer who works exclusively for UK Meds.

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