General Health
    09/09/23 · 20 min read

    How to get a better night's sleep after the clocks change

    The end of British summertime re-sets our circadian rhythm. This means that, for a few days after the clocks change, our internal body clocks become out of sync with our regular cycle, making it more difficult to fall asleep.

    However, there are some things you can do to give yourself a helping hand when it comes to getting some shuteye. We share our top tips for ensuring you get a good night’s sleep – despite the dark nights rolling in.

    Put the caffeine down

    Caffeine stimulates your nervous system, which is great for enhancing focus, energy and performance during the day. But when consumed in the late afternoon or evening, it can stop your body from naturally relaxing. Drinking large amounts after 4pm isn’t recommended, however if you do crave a cuppa later on, stick with decaffeinated.

    Increase bright light exposure during the day…

    Your circadian rhythm affects your brain, body and hormones. It helps you to stay awake during the day and tells your body when it’s time to sleep. Getting sunlight exposure in the day not only improves your daylight energy, but also your night-time sleep quality and duration. If this isn’t possible, invest in an artificial bright light device or bulbs.

    …and reduce blue light exposure in the evening

    While light in the day is beneficial, being exposed to light as the evening draws in has the opposite effect. Again, this is due to its impact on your circadian rhythm. Electronic devices emit blue light, which alters the circadian rhythm by twice the amount as other light wavelengths, in large amounts. Combat this by: installing an app on your smartphone that blocks blue light, and stop watching TV and turn off bright lights two hours before heading to bed.

    Optimise your bedroom

    Many people believe the set-up of the bedroom environment is a key factor in getting a good night’s sleep. Make sure your bedroom is a quiet, relaxing and clean space. Minimise external noise, light and artificial lights from devices such as alarm clocks and TVs.

    Try to sleep and wake up at consistent times

    Being consistent with your bedtime and waking time can aid long-term sleep quality. Try and get into a regular routine – and stick to it.

    Clear your mind

    Sleeping when your brain is active and thinking about tomorrow’s tasks is almost impossible. Clear your mind. Relax by listening to calming music, reading a book, taking a bath, meditating or deep breathing. Try out different methods to find what works best for you.

    Get a helping hand

    Nytol Herbal Tablets include hop strobile, valerian root and passionflower herb, all of which are traditionally known for their calming and relaxing properties. This natural sleep aid is proven to calm the nervous system and help relax muscles – resulting in a peaceful night’s sleep. If you find that a herbal remedy is not assisting then you may want to explore other sleeping tablet options. We have prescription options such as Zopiclone and Zolpidem which are highly effective at treating insomnia.

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