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    • Clears Chlamydia
    09/09/23 · 20 min read

    How long does Doxycycline take to work for infections?

    Doxycycline is a medication that is used to treat bacterial infections in the human body. Part of the tetracycline antibiotics group of medicines, Doxycycline is often used to treat Chlamydia.

    Doxycycline can help with the symptoms of infections fairly quickly. If you have symptoms such as discharge or pain when urinating, Doxycycline will usually work within a week and will improve these symptoms. If you have pelvic or testicular pains, these will go away in as little as two weeks. For problems linked with menstruation, Doxycycline will improve symptoms by your next menstrual cycle. Whilst these time periods are only rough, Doxycycline is ideal for the treatment of all of these issues. In this article, we will go into further detail regarding the medication as well as the infections that it treats, mostly with Chlamydia.

    What is Doxycycline?

    Doxycycline is an antibiotic used for treating several infectious diseases such as Chlamydia, typhus fever, Q fever, tick fevers, UTI or urinary tract infection, trachoma, rectal infections, cholera, brucellosis, relapsing fever, tularemia cholera, anthrax, acne, gonorrhoea, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum, and many more. Doxycycline is the main medication that is used to treat severe intestinal amoebiasis, as well as working in conjuncture with amebicides.

    Since several microorganism strains are very resistant to doxycycline, further tests are required for its use when treating certain infections. Doxycycline has also been known to prevent or treat malaria, making it a great multi-purpose medicine.

    Chlamydia and Doxycycline

    Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases out there. Chlamydia derives from the bacteria called ‘Chlamydia Trachomatis.’ This kind of bacteria infects our reproductive and urinary organs and is usually contracted via sexual contact.

    There are two other kinds of Chlamydia that exist - Chlamydia psittaci, and Chlamydia pneumoniae. The latter can be passed via sneezing and coughing, whereas the former is a bacteria from birds that is passed on to humans. This post will discuss Chlamydia trachomatis. This kind of chlamydia can be cured with the aid of antibiotics such as doxycycline.

    What are the side effects of Doxycycline?

    Whilst Doxycycline is ideal for treating bacterial infections such as Chlamydia, there are a few side effects that you could suffer from. The main side effects of Doxycycline include headaches, nausea, vomiting and skin sensitivity. 

    Whilst there are a few more serious side effects, these are rare, and will only affect one in a thousand users of this medication. These side effects include unexplainable bruising and bleeding, diarrhoea, joint and muscle pain, a swollen tongue or lips, difficulty swallowing, and fingernail loosening. It is recommended that you contact your doctor if you begin to experience any of these more serious side effects.

    What is Chlamydia – What do I need to know?

    Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is brought about by bacterial infections caused by unprotected sexual activities. Chlamydia trachomatis, as well as Chlamydia suis, are the leading kinds of bacteria that can cause a Chlamydia infection. Bacteria of this kind are unable to sustain life without a living host; hence it is very convenient for them to move from one body to another through the exchange of some bodily fluids. This sexually transmitted disease can also be transmitted from a pregnant woman to a newborn baby. The baby will pick up the infection during childbirth due to fluids inside the birth canal.

    Chlamydia is one disease that is said to be asymptomatic and has no visible symptoms. This can make it very difficult to detect if you have been infected with an STD. Symptoms of Chlamydia will vary from person to person. Women will experience unusual discharge from the vagina, and will also experience painful urination. Other symptoms women will experience can include irregular bleeding during their menstrual period, and abdominal pain. Men, on the other hand, may have unusual discharge on and around the penis, as well as having a burning sensation when urinating. Men may also experience abdominal pain, which is more obvious as this cannot be mixed up with menstrual cramping.

    A large percentage of patients infected with Chlamydia are clueless that they are infected, hence why they will leave the disease untreated for long periods. If left untreated, other serious health consequences can happen. These include problems such as infertility, inflammation of the testicles in men, and inflammation of the pelvis in women.

    Chlamydia treatments are something a patient should never take for granted. As mentioned above, when left untreated, Chlamydia can result in a far more serious medical condition. Early detection and treatment is always the best resort. You can reduce the risk of other health complications when Chlamydia is treated early on. With the right antibiotics to treat Chlamydia, the disease can be easily eradicated, and fast. Take the right medication, dosage, and take it at the correct times to help cure Chlamydia quickly. One of the most commonly used antibiotics to treat Chlamydia is Doxycycline.

    Can men get Chlamydia?

    A lot of sexually active men who engage in regular unprotected sex are potential candidates for acquiring sexually transmitted diseases. A sexually transmitted disease, as the name suggests, is a kind of disease that is obtained through sexual contact. STDs can be either incurable or curable and some are much easier to treat than others. One of the most common STDs in men is Chlamydia.

    Chlamydia infection among men is always linked with painful urination. Other symptoms of Chlamydia include itchiness and a burning sensation on the tip of the penis. Frequent painful urination and abnormal discharge from the opening of the penis are also symptoms, this discharge is usually a white to yellowish colour. Chlamydia is asymptomatic. Often, men do not know they are already infected because they do not experience any pain or discomfort. Even severe symptoms appear only after two to three weeks of being infected.Chlamydia infection amongst men can be treated with antibiotics. Your doctor will examine you, offer the right diagnosis, and prescribe the right antibiotics for your treatment, usually Doxycycline. While you are undergoing treatment, you have to avoid any further sexual activity until your treatment is over. Engaging in sexual activity with another person will not only easily transfer and spread the disease, but it can worsen your infection condition. Worse, you can get re-infected. It is important to get treatment if you suspect you have Chlamydia. If ignored or left untreated, Chlamydia may cause extreme pain and discomfort, and can even lead to infertility.


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    Blog author

    Scott Weaver

    Scott is an experienced and professional content writer who works exclusively for UK Meds.

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