    From £29.99
    • Easy to take
    • Improves control over ejaculation
    • Take 1 to 3 hours before sexual intercourse
    From £21.99
    • Apply 20 minutes before sex
    • Reduces sensitivity to delay ejaculation
    • Highly effective
    Erectile Dysfunction
    09/09/23 · 20 min read

    Does Priligy Work?

    Priligy is an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) medication that is used in the treatment of premature ejaculation. So, naturally, the first question on most men’s lips is; does Priligy work? In this article, we will attempt to answer this very question, as well as providing you with further information regarding everything to do with Priligy. We will answer questions such as how Priligy works, how you use Priligy, how long does Priligy last, and whether you can take Priligy with Viagra.

    Does Priligy work?

    Priligy works in around 80% of men (approximately 8 out of 10), effectively lengthening the time it takes them to ejaculate by double or even triple! However, it’s not a cure for premature ejaculation. Like erectile dysfunction medications (such as Viagra), it can only work as and when you take it.

    What causes premature ejaculation?

    Priligy is a treatment for premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is a condition that affects around 30-40% of men during their lifetime and is a condition that can have severe effects on confidence. There are many different reasons as to why someone would begin to suffer from premature ejaculation. As the issue is particularly sensitive, many men will avoid talking about it, and may not actively seek help. 

    Premature ejaculation can be caused by factors such as issues with the prostate or thyroid gland, or for more emotional issues such as depression, stress, or relationship problems. Premature ejaculation can also lead to many other mental health conditions. Anxiety caused by sexual performance is rife within the community of men who suffer from premature ejaculation, and feelings of being less masculine as a result of premature ejaculation are also very common. 

    As the number of men who will experience premature ejaculation is so high, the mental effects should not be overlooked and should be spoken about just as much as the physical condition.

    How does Priligy work?

    Priligy tablets contain dapoxetine which works by increasing the activity of serotonin (a neurotransmitter that passes messages between nerve cells). As well as a number of other bodily functions, serotonin is responsible for controlling ejaculation.

    For men who are ejaculating too quickly during intercourse, Priligy stops the reuptake of serotonin which can help to prolong and delay ejaculation.

    It’s fast-acting and designed to be taken on demand, approximately 3 hours before you’re going to have sex. Because dapoxetine has a short half-life it only stays active in the body for a short amount of time. This reduces the risk of side effects that is present with other, longer-lasting SSRI medications, such as the ones that are used to treat depression.

    How do I use Priligy?

    As a prescription-only medication, you will first need to be prescribed Priligy before you can take it. At UK Meds, you don’t need an existing prescription to order Priligy, as one will be provided for you after a successful consultation.

    Approximately three hours before sex, take one Priligy tablet by swallowing it whole with a glass of water. Unlike Viagra or Cialis, Priligy is not affected by whether or not it’s taken with food, so you do not need to worry about having something to eat. However, you should avoid taking Priligy with alcohol as this may cause, or worsen, unwanted side effects such as dizziness and sleepiness. You can buy Viagra online here at UK Meds.

    Like with any medication, you should be aiming to find the lowest effective dose. Priligy is available as either a 30mg or 60mg tablet, and everyone taking it for the first time should start on the 30mg dose.

    Trial this for four weeks, or six doses, and if you’re finding it to be ineffective then you may be prescribed the higher strength. However, as mentioned above, Priligy does not affect a small percentage of people. So, if after an appropriate trial period on the 60mg dosage, it’s still not improving your condition then you should discontinue use and explore other premature ejaculation treatments.

    There are plenty of other premature ejaculation treatments besides Priligy, with a lot of them focused on reducing sensitivity in the penis. This could be done via an anaesthetic spray or cream (like Stud 100 or Emla cream) or by using thick condoms such as Durex Extra Safe.

    Can Priligy be taken with Viagra?

    You may be wondering whether or not you can take Priligy with erectile dysfunction medication, such as Viagra. Unfortunately, Priligy should not be taken in conjunction with any erectile dysfunction medication due to the potential risk of side effects. 

    If you use Priligy with an erectile dysfunction medication such as Viagra, you are putting yourself at a much higher risk of severely reducing your blood pressure

    Due to the nature of both medications, you should never use them together. If your blood pressure reduces to dangerous levels you are putting yourself at risk of symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, a feeling of weakness, and potentially fainting. 

    How long does Priligy last?

    As previously mentioned, Priligy only works in the same way as some erectile dysfunction medications like Cialis and Viagra in the sense that it works as and when you take it. The most effective period after taking Priligy is around one to three hours after first taking the medication. However, the effects of Priligy can last for up to 12 hours. Despite this, it is recommended that you utilise its effects within the first one to three hours. For the eight out of ten men that Priligy works for, the effects can completely change their sexual performance. Priligy can make a man last for up to two to three times longer during sex than before. 

    The average time a man takes to ejaculate is around five and a half minutes, but for a man with premature ejaculation, this time is reduced to an average of a minute and a half. This means that Priligy will be able to bring the time for a man with premature ejaculation back to around the average of five and a half minutes.

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